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Sunday, 2 April 2023

Windows 10 Text Looks Blurry and Fuzzy

While I am still searching for this problem, I want to share it here so if someone can support and can give me a detailed answer.

First-thing-first, I am on a low-end desktop PC, and I am not sure if the reason behind this problem is my low-end PC or Microsoft Windows 10.

Yesterday I switched to Microsoft newly launched Windows 10 on my desktop PC which I am using since last few years regularly only for Office Work, particularly for Microsoft Office documents. I do know that it has only 256MB of graphics memory but I thought to give Windows 10 a chance to operate my PC. The upgrading process from Windows 7 (32bit Home Edition) to Windows 10, was itself so smooth and interesting that I feel its something special from Microsoft this time, and yes it is.

Why I am talking only about graphics memory of my PC because Microsoft didn't mention any thing about required graphics card of amount of memory (as far as I read about it), and my RAM and Processor is enough sufficient to operate Windows 10 as per their requirements. After successful installation and upgrade to Windows 10, I got some annoying issue (and the only issue) that I cannot give it a name (technical name) which I thought to share with you so if I will get some idea what technically it is.

The issue is mainly connected to my PC's lower amount of graphics memory, as far as I understand, but if it is because of lower graphics memory, why there are no such issues inside the games (like WORDAMENT, the only game I love to play mostly) or inside Chrome, Firefox or Opera Browsers?

The genuine problem what I am facing, I will call it "Windows 10 fonts display problem" (as shown in the screenshots), and what I got after searching for this issue is something they call "Fonts DPI" problem which you can set from Control Panel, they said.

You cannot read Notifications because of Fonts Display Problem

This is what its looks like inside the Settings window.

You can clearly see that the text isn't readable.

The Fonts Display Problem is in CORTANA, Notification Panel, Microsoft Edge browser and in few other places also.

I tried to figure out the name "DPI" in Control Panel but didn't found anything, but only the Fonts Display inside the Control Panel, from where I am only able to change the way the fonts will appear, and its not about Fonts DPI.

Furthermore, what I did when I stuck with this problem, I change my display resolution from 1920x1080 to say 1080x720 but it didn't make any sense or any change, still the problem is there.

I hope I will get its answer very soon, as I already contact Microsoft for the said issue, and surely I will post a detailed answer and its main reason, but I will be very pleased if YOU share your experience with us related to the same issue, if you have any.

One thing I want to add here in the end that my graphics driver is really up-to-date, and I am facing no other problem besides this one.

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